A taste of the East in Hong Kong

Setting foot in Hong Kong after leaving from Sydney earlier the day felt like jumping from one fairy tale into another one, couldn't help myself but keep smiling because I knew that I was about to experience (again) something totally different than before.

This proved to be true already after the first couple of hours spent in this enormous metropolis. The red taxi feels like a teleport machine, the bamboo scaffoldings around the regardless-how-tall buildings kept amazing me, the density of people on the streets of Mong Kok, metro stations, markets, etc., was something hard to handle for a European like me (just found out, Mong Kok is the busiest district in the world with 130.000 people/km2). All the weirdness put aside, the city is a must-see for food lovers! Seriously, that's the place where everyone's culinary needs gets satisfied without diving too deep  and getting lost between the sea of millions of options. Then, as most of you know, the  landscape of the city is basically a bunch of skyscrapers built next to each other leaving no space for vegetation. Well, that is partly true, Hong Kong indeed has tons of grandiose concrete and glass office and residential buildings but behind these districts  and on the surrounding islands you meet a totally different HK. Its landscape would make you question if you are indeed in the fourth-most densely populated region in the world. Thanks to Charles, the only person I knew there before arriving to the city, through a hike behind the skyscraper districts, we got up to 500 meters above the city from where you can't do anything else but drop your jaws.

The roughly 80 hours spent in Hong Kong burnt in my memory as a pleasant memory, being a corner of the world towards which I didn't have any clear expectation, that's when you have to include it on your itinerary and convince about it yourself. Hopefully, just like me, you will realise as well later on by going through the pictures below that this lively city has a place for everyone.

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